Tritech Group, partener of the international project Solhet.

In quality of industrial partener on the Solhet partener , Tritech Group helps on dezvolting a new celular generation tandem with heterojunction ensuring their testing.

The performance of the new solar cells generation tandem with heterojunction will be superior those in the curent generation.

In the Solhet project are implicated 4 european parteners, such:

-Polytechnic University of Bucharest

-Institute for Energy Technology in Norway(IFE)

-Oslo University(UiO)

-National Research and Dezvolting Institute in Optoelectronic(INOE)

The goal of Solhet:

The increasing conversion performance of the solar cells silicon beyond their traditional limits, by dezvolting solar cells tandem with heterojunction based on silicon(STHSC) of high performance, using oxide materials at a low cost, non-toxic and deep. STHSC cells can have an big impact on photovoltaic domain, with economics and enviroment benefits.

The objectives of Solhet project:

-researches on materials for a new solar cell STHSC generation based on low costs, metallic oxides of thin layers, with tunable properties on: absorbent layers and transparent layers, high conductors and chemically stable.

-the development and adoptation of modern instruments modeling and simulation for optimizing the conception of a new generation of STHSC.